129 research outputs found

    Doubly Stochastic Variational Inference for Deep Gaussian Processes

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    Gaussian processes (GPs) are a good choice for function approximation as they are flexible, robust to over-fitting, and provide well-calibrated predictive uncertainty. Deep Gaussian processes (DGPs) are multi-layer generalisations of GPs, but inference in these models has proved challenging. Existing approaches to inference in DGP models assume approximate posteriors that force independence between the layers, and do not work well in practice. We present a doubly stochastic variational inference algorithm, which does not force independence between layers. With our method of inference we demonstrate that a DGP model can be used effectively on data ranging in size from hundreds to a billion points. We provide strong empirical evidence that our inference scheme for DGPs works well in practice in both classification and regression.Comment: NIPS 201

    Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Model Predictive Control

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    Trial-and-error based reinforcement learning (RL) has seen rapid advancements in recent times, especially with the advent of deep neural networks. However, the majority of autonomous RL algorithms require a large number of interactions with the environment. A large number of interactions may be impractical in many real-world applications, such as robotics, and many practical systems have to obey limitations in the form of state space or control constraints. To reduce the number of system interactions while simultaneously handling constraints, we propose a model-based RL framework based on probabilistic Model Predictive Control (MPC). In particular, we propose to learn a probabilistic transition model using Gaussian Processes (GPs) to incorporate model uncertainty into long-term predictions, thereby, reducing the impact of model errors. We then use MPC to find a control sequence that minimises the expected long-term cost. We provide theoretical guarantees for first-order optimality in the GP-based transition models with deterministic approximate inference for long-term planning. We demonstrate that our approach does not only achieve state-of-the-art data efficiency, but also is a principled way for RL in constrained environments.Comment: Accepted at AISTATS 2018

    Distributed Gaussian Processes

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    To scale Gaussian processes (GPs) to large data sets we introduce the robust Bayesian Committee Machine (rBCM), a practical and scalable product-of-experts model for large-scale distributed GP regression. Unlike state-of-the-art sparse GP approximations, the rBCM is conceptually simple and does not rely on inducing or variational parameters. The key idea is to recursively distribute computations to independent computational units and, subsequently, recombine them to form an overall result. Efficient closed-form inference allows for straightforward parallelisation and distributed computations with a small memory footprint. The rBCM is independent of the computational graph and can be used on heterogeneous computing infrastructures, ranging from laptops to clusters. With sufficient computing resources our distributed GP model can handle arbitrarily large data sets.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Appears in Proceedings of ICML 201

    Differentially Private Empirical Risk Minimization with Sparsity-Inducing Norms

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    Differential privacy is concerned about the prediction quality while measuring the privacy impact on individuals whose information is contained in the data. We consider differentially private risk minimization problems with regularizers that induce structured sparsity. These regularizers are known to be convex but they are often non-differentiable. We analyze the standard differentially private algorithms, such as output perturbation, Frank-Wolfe and objective perturbation. Output perturbation is a differentially private algorithm that is known to perform well for minimizing risks that are strongly convex. Previous works have derived excess risk bounds that are independent of the dimensionality. In this paper, we assume a particular class of convex but non-smooth regularizers that induce structured sparsity and loss functions for generalized linear models. We also consider differentially private Frank-Wolfe algorithms to optimize the dual of the risk minimization problem. We derive excess risk bounds for both these algorithms. Both the bounds depend on the Gaussian width of the unit ball of the dual norm. We also show that objective perturbation of the risk minimization problems is equivalent to the output perturbation of a dual optimization problem. This is the first work that analyzes the dual optimization problems of risk minimization problems in the context of differential privacy

    Meta Reinforcement Learning with Latent Variable Gaussian Processes

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    Learning from small data sets is critical in many practical applications where data collection is time consuming or expensive, e.g., robotics, animal experiments or drug design. Meta learning is one way to increase the data efficiency of learning algorithms by generalizing learned concepts from a set of training tasks to unseen, but related, tasks. Often, this relationship between tasks is hard coded or relies in some other way on human expertise. In this paper, we frame meta learning as a hierarchical latent variable model and infer the relationship between tasks automatically from data. We apply our framework in a model-based reinforcement learning setting and show that our meta-learning model effectively generalizes to novel tasks by identifying how new tasks relate to prior ones from minimal data. This results in up to a 60% reduction in the average interaction time needed to solve tasks compared to strong baselines.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Learning deep dynamical models from image pixels

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    Modeling dynamical systems is important in many disciplines, e.g., control, robotics, or neurotechnology. Commonly the state of these systems is not directly observed, but only available through noisy and potentially high-dimensional observations. In these cases, system identification, i.e., finding the measurement mapping and the transition mapping (system dynamics) in latent space can be challenging. For linear system dynamics and measurement mappings efficient solutions for system identification are available. However, in practical applications, the linearity assumptions does not hold, requiring non-linear system identification techniques. If additionally the observations are high-dimensional (e.g., images), non-linear system identification is inherently hard. To address the problem of non-linear system identification from high-dimensional observations, we combine recent advances in deep learning and system identification. In particular, we jointly learn a low-dimensional embedding of the observation by means of deep auto-encoders and a predictive transition model in this low-dimensional space. We demonstrate that our model enables learning good predictive models of dynamical systems from pixel information only.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Probabilistic Inference of Twitter Users' Age based on What They Follow

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    Twitter provides an open and rich source of data for studying human behaviour at scale and is widely used in social and network sciences. However, a major criticism of Twitter data is that demographic information is largely absent. Enhancing Twitter data with user ages would advance our ability to study social network structures, information flows and the spread of contagions. Approaches toward age detection of Twitter users typically focus on specific properties of tweets, e.g., linguistic features, which are language dependent. In this paper, we devise a language-independent methodology for determining the age of Twitter users from data that is native to the Twitter ecosystem. The key idea is to use a Bayesian framework to generalise ground-truth age information from a few Twitter users to the entire network based on what/whom they follow. Our approach scales to inferring the age of 700 million Twitter accounts with high accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Neural Embeddings of Graphs in Hyperbolic Space

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    Neural embeddings have been used with great success in Natural Language Processing (NLP). They provide compact representations that encapsulate word similarity and attain state-of-the-art performance in a range of linguistic tasks. The success of neural embeddings has prompted significant amounts of research into applications in domains other than language. One such domain is graph-structured data, where embeddings of vertices can be learned that encapsulate vertex similarity and improve performance on tasks including edge prediction and vertex labelling. For both NLP and graph based tasks, embeddings have been learned in high-dimensional Euclidean spaces. However, recent work has shown that the appropriate isometric space for embedding complex networks is not the flat Euclidean space, but negatively curved, hyperbolic space. We present a new concept that exploits these recent insights and propose learning neural embeddings of graphs in hyperbolic space. We provide experimental evidence that embedding graphs in their natural geometry significantly improves performance on downstream tasks for several real-world public datasets.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
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